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Uniform Information

Reception, Year 1 & Year 2

White polo shirts (with or without the school logo)/ white shirts or blouses

No ties

Grey or tartan skirt/ pinafore

Grey trousers/ shorts

Summer dresses (blue/white)

Blue sweatshirts or cardigans (with or without the school logo)

White or Grey socks/ grey tights 

Black shoes (no trainers or boots)


Year 3 & Year 4

White shirts with ties (optional)

White revere blouse (open neck) no tie (optional) 

All other uniform as above


P.E. Kit

Navy blue/black shorts

Navy blue/black jogging bottoms/leggings

White T-shirt with school logo or plain white T-shirt

Navy blue hooded sweatshirt or school jumper/cardigan

Plimsolls or trainers


School uniform is available from the School Shop- West Moors, or most supermarkets. Please speak to the school office for information regarding second hand uniform. 


Please made sure that all items of clothing are clearly named.

If you choose to write their name in pen, please ensure that you check the clothing regularly and rename when needed.

Our school uniform can be purchased from The School Shop in Park Way, West Moors.

Telephone 01202 893040 or via their website via the link below:


We sell second hand uniform via Uniformd. Uniformd is a dynamic online marketplace for schools to sell donated items year round to parents, with funds going directly back to the school.

Our second hand uniform sales are being organised by the PTFA through Uniformd, with all funds raised going directly into the PTFA funds for Oakhurst..

You can access Oakhurst First School uniform shop via the below link

Once you have paid for and checked out your items, Collection will be arranged from the school office.


